Reel SF

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers - Elizabeth's Home

    Elizabeth Driscoll (Brooke Adams) spots a colorful flowered pod in her neighborhood park that she hasn't seen before.  She picks one, taking in its heady aroma.


Then ...  As a group of schoolkids goes by she decides to take it home.

.... and Now,  this was filmed in Alamo Square Park in the Alamo Square neighborhood (map).  The homes in the background are on Hayes Street, along the south side of the park.  


Then ...  The kids are heading to the park's playground.  The sight of  a black-garbed priest staring expressionlessly at them as he swings alongside a child has a disquieting effect on us.  Who is he?  Why is he there?  Already we are feeling an unease that will only grow stronger as the story unfolds.  (The priest by the way is Robert Duvall, in an uncredited cameo).

.... and Now,  there's still a playground there but it's significantly fortressed and now ADA compliant.


Then ...  She crosses the road to her place at 720 Steiner Street, the one on the left, one of the famous Painted Ladies along the east side of the park.  She doesn't know it yet but carrying that flower into her home is a very bad idea.

.... and Now,  tourists flock to photograph this row of Victorians, often called 'Postcard Row'.  Built in the 1890s, they have been lovingly maintained over the years by their proud owners.  The tree in front of her house has been moved to create access to a garage addition.


    Here's one example of the many postcards that have iconized the Painted Ladies over the years.  (By the way, did anyone notice the Painted Ladies' gables emulated above in the playground 'Now' image?)


Then ...  Inside the home she greets her partner Geoffrey Howell (Art Hindle), glued to the TV - he's a big Warriors fan, just like most of today's Bay Area sports fans.

.... and Now,  here's how the same room at 720 Steiner looks today.


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