Reel SF

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

The Last Edition - Tailing Sam Blotz - 1

From a location point of view this post could have been titled ‘A Tale Of Two Cities’…

Then … Clarence gets word that Sam Blotz is at San Francisco’s City Hall; he parks outside, intent on following him.

… and Now, the imposing Beaux-Arts structure was built as a replacement for its predecessor that was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake; more than a century later it hasn’t changed at all, viewed both Then and Now from Larkin Street. (The three tall cylinders in the foreground in this recent view are ventilation units for Brooks Hall, an underground exhibition space built in the the late 1950s but unused since 1993). At far left beyond City Hall is a glimpse of the War Memorial Opera House on Van Ness Avenue, not yet built in the Then image above.

On a historical note, here’s the older City Hall after the dust settled and the fire burned out. Located across the Civic Center Plaza where the main library and U.N. Plaza are today, it was destroyed a mere nine years after it was completed.


Then … Clarence, parked in front of classically styled columns, spots Blotz …

A 1922 vintage photo reveals where this was filmed. But this isn’t San Francisco, it’s the Masonic Temple at 6840 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, Los Angeles (map).

… and Now, The Greek Revival building with Ionic columns is still there today, the home of the Jimmy Kimmel late night television show. Clarence’s car in the Then image above was parked exactly where the black sedan is, below. This block is part of Hollywood’s Walk Of Fame - note the embedded stars arrayed along the sidewalk - at this address they honor artists as diverse as Jimmy Kimmel, Rod Serling, Little Richard and Donald Duck.


Then … Clarence sees Blotz exit the building and climb into a swanky Pierce/Arrow town car. The number above the doorway that looks like it was written by a 2nd-grader reveals where this shot was filmed - still in Los Angeles, this was the Hotel Regent at 6162 Hollywood Boulevard (incidentally, for the picky amongst us, this is several blocks from where Clarence was parked).

… and Now, over the decades this block has changed drastically - right here is where the hotel used to be.

... a late 1920s photo captured it back in its heyday, between N. El Centro and Argyll Avenues.

… from this newspaper ad it’s clear that the hotel had newly opened when the scene was filmed there (The Last Edition was released in November 1925 ). Note the proud boast … “A Radio In Every Room”! (TV was not yet invented).


Then … But as Blotz’s car takes off we are transported back to City Hall in San Francisco. Note the continuity goof; Blotz is sitting behind the driver but in the Then image above he’s behind the front passenger seat. Note too the car is right hand drive which means it was a 1920 or earlier Pierce/Arrow model.

… and Now, This is the Grove Street side of City Hall, the same one seen in the first photo in this post. The long balcony in the center is shared by the Mayor’s office and that of the adjoining office staff.


Then … For this next shot as Clarence follows Blotz we jump back to Los Angeles to the southwest part of Downtown. The camera looks east along 12th Street with Trenton Street crossing just ahead.

… and Now, in the late 1960s this block and several others aound it were demolished to create a site for the Los Angeles Convention Center which opened in 1971. The Staples Center indoor arena was built there in the late 1990s - this recent photo of the south edge of the arena shows where the two blocks of 12th Street, above, used to be.

CitySleuth thanks reader Notcom for tracking down the 12th Street location and unearthing this 1917 newspaper photo of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company building at 1265 Figeroa, the large building at the end of the block in the movie’s Then image above. Compare the building’s left side, on 12th Street, with that image - they match.


Angelenos have at least one thing in common with San Franciscans: a nostalgic preference for beloved stadium names. Staples Center was renamed Arena in December 2021 but continues to be referred to by most as Staples Center, aka ‘The House That Kobe Built’. In much the same way, San Franciscans still fondly remember Giants ballpark Candlestick Park, eschewing subsequent renames 3Com Park and later, Monster Park.


Then and Now aerial view … Click or tap the 1928 image below to see the dramatic urban transformation of the blocks containing 12th and Trenton Streets. ‘X’ marks the spot where the camera was set up to film the 12th Street shot.


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