Reel SF

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

The Sniper - Fourth Victim, in the Park

  The sniper has struck yet again; the police are called to a park where the body of a woman has been found.


Then ...  The camera captures this view - it's from near the top of the oldest city park in San Francisco, designated Hill Park in 1867 and dedicated as Buena Vista Park in 1894 (map).  In the days after the 1906 earthquake people would flock to this 589 foot peak on the edge of the Haight to watch the city fires burning below.

... and Now,  with Potrero Hill in the background and the slopes of nearby Corona Heights in the right foreground, the view from Buena Vista Park looks very similar but for the missing gas holder on Potrero Hill.


  The police finally have a lead - they find the bandage left behind from Miller's burned hand.

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