Reel SF

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

Thieves' Highway - Homecoming

  Nick Garcos (Richard Conte) returns home from war service - he is dropped off in front of his parents' house on a rural street.

Then ...

... and Now

   CitySleuth needs your help, dear reader.  His expertise outside San Francisco falls short in deducing this location.  Do any of you out there know where this was filmed?


Then ...      Nick is horrified to find that his father, a farmer, is now an invalid, victim of an accident perpetrated by Mike Figlia (Lee J. Cobb), an unscrupulous produce dealer in San Francisco.  He immediately vows revenge.  Below, he meets Ed Kinney (Millard Mitchell) who had bought his father's truck and they decide to invest in two truckloads of Golden Delicious apples and drive them to the San Francisco Produce Market to confront Figlia.

... and Now

   Can anyone tell CitySleuth where this was filmed?  Possible clues  - This, and the location above, might have been in Petaluma, site of the opening scene, or in Calistoga where, as we will see later, another scene was filmed.  Then again, it could have been somewhere else.  The only clues are the houses across the street in these two images.  Most likely in a small rural town these houses are still there.


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