Reel SF

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

San Francisco movie locations from classic films

Chan Is Missing - Mr. Lee

Jo enters the reception area of Mr. Lee’s office - he is the insurance agent who sponsored the Chan family; perhaps he knows where Chan might be. The receptionist asks him to wait; he looks around and sees attached to the walls an interesting collection of traditional Chinese wall altars with paper proverbs and statues of deities.


Then … Mr Lee steps out and introduces himself.

… and Now, here’s that same office today. Note the matching staircase and railing in the corridor outside.


How did Citysleuth find it? He came across an interview with director Wayne Wang where fortuitously he said that the actor who played the role of Mr. Lee (credited in the cast as Roy Chan) was in real life his insurance agent. The 1980 City Directory listed his business and gave his address as 915a Grant Avenue, Room 2.


But finding the office wasn’t straightforward, a visit to 915a Grant drew a blank. Fortunately a helpful office worker there told CitySleuth he should be looking next door because that used to be 915a before its address was changed to 917 Grant. Sure enough a sign inside 917 verified exactly that.

Here’s 915 Grant on the left, the red herring, and 917, flanked by the red brick facia; those stairs led up to Mr. Lee’s office.

… and here’s the office on the second floor at the top of the stairs. It’s now M & L Services, 917 Grant Avenue #1, a tax preparation and family-based immigration office.


Then … It’s another dead end for Jo because It’s been a week or so since Mr. Lee saw Chan Hung and he doesn’t know where he is now.

… and Now, the corner where Mr. Lee’s desk was has since been reconfigured.


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